Dr. Balsam Darwish


You will need to fill in the admission form for the public or private hospital including the informed consent. Dr Darwish and his personal assistant will help you to fill in the form.

The admission form will need to be submitted to the hospital. The private forms are usually faxed from our office and you don’t need to submit them personally.

You may need to have some blood tests and other investigations such as chest x-ray and ECG. Dr Darwish will give you the forms for the requested tests. Public patients will be seen routinely at pre-admission clinic where the blood tests and other tests can be organised.

You must stop taking blood thinning medications including:
  • Warfarin - 5 days before surgery. If you have an artificial heart valve, you may need to take Clexane injections instead. The Clexane should be stopped 24 hours before surgery. Dr Darwish will tell you if you need to be on Clexane or not.
  • Aspirin, Cartia, Dispirin and Persantin - 7 days before surgery.
  • Clopidogrel, Plavix, Iscover - 10 days before surgery.
  • Anti-inflammatory - Mobic, Celebrex, Voltaren, Neurofen - 3 days before surgery.

On the day of surgery you should not eat or drink for 6 hours prior to your scheduled surgery. The hospital will contact you the day before your scheduled surgery and inform you about the time of surgery.

You must bring your MRI scan and CT scan with you to the hospital on the day of surgery.

For brain surgery you may need to have a stereotactic MRI/CT scan the morning of surgery. This will involve putting feducials on your scalp (small round adhesive markers). This will help to localize the lesion inside the skull and helps to make surgery more precise with a smaller incision. The registrar will apply the feducials the morning of surgery.

Please feel free to ask questions at the time of consultation and to call our office with any other questions you may have.